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HL7 OBX Segment

The OBX segment is primarily used to carry key clinical observation/results reporting information within report messages, which must be transmitted back to the requesting system, to another physician system (such as a referring physician or office practice system), or to an archival medical record system. In certain cases (such as ORM messages), the OBX segment may carry clinical information that might be needed by the receiving system to interpret the observation to be made, rather than actual information about observations and results.

The OBX segment is part of multiple message types that transmit patient clinical information. However, this segment is most commonly utilized in ORU (Observational Report – Unsolicited) messages, and is sometimes utilized in ORM (Order) and ADT (Admit Discharge Transfer) messages. The OBX segment transmits a single observation or observation fragment and can be used more than once in the message.

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The fields in the OBX segment are as follows:

14SIO Set ID – Obx
22IDR Value Type
3590CER Observation Identifier
420STO Observation Sub-Id
565536STO Observation Value
660CEO Units
710STO Reference Range
85IDOY/5Abnormal Flags
95NMO Probability
102IDO Nature of Abnormal Test
111IDR Observ Result Status
1226TSO Data Last Obs Normal Values
1320STO User-Defined Access Checks
1426TSO Date/Time of the Observation
1560CEO Producer’s Id
1680XCNO Responsible Observer
1780CEOYObservation Method

*Note: For the complete HL7 Standard, please go to the HL7 organization website.

OBX segments may, optionally, be followed by the NTE segment to provide notes and comments. In HL7 pipe and hat format, the OBX segments (shown in red below) would look like this in an ORU-R01 message. In this example, the first OBX segment does not have any notes or comments, while the next three OBX segments do:



M|||^^^^00000-0000|||||||86427531^^^03|SSN# HERE



OBR|1|8642753100013^LIS|20923085580^LCS|083824^PANEL 083824^L|||19980728083600||||||


OBX|1|NM|150001^HIV-1 ABS-O.D. RATIO^L|||||||N|X

OBX|2|CE|001719^HIV-1 ABS, SEMI-QN^L||HTN|||||N|F|19910123|| 19980729155700|BN

NTE|1|L|Result: NEGATIVE by EIA screen.

NTE|2|L|No antibodies to HIV-1 detected.


NTE|1|L|NOTE: Submission of serum

NTE|2|L|separator tube recommended

NTE|3|L|for this test. Thank you

NTE|4|L|for your cooperation if you

NTE|5|L|are already doing so.



Want to learn more about HL7? Enroll in the Academy’s HL7 training course here!

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